Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Problems of a tall busty girl

So I guess you've read the title and wonder why I'm on this topic..
well.. I don't know bout you but that's the biggest issue I face when I buy clothes or heels.
"the skirt's too short, but it fits..."
"cute top! ugh.. it looks weird on"
"cute top! oh.. can't fit.. what free size?... dang it"
"oooh the jeans looks great on.. but its too short"
"oooo those shorts looks great on you.. damn its so short on me"
"Ooo that skirt looks great on the model.. damn its too short on me"
"why are you wearing heels?! So tall still wear heels"
you see.. that.. always happens to me..
I have long legs and I'm tall I'm 173/174 cm which.. is very obvious above the average of Asian women.
and I'm busty.. well my rib cage is like big or wide... so it makes me even bustier
which makes buying clothes a pain..

Sorry bbg.. but this was a really good example of height difference


Previously, I did a post on a blogshop shopping,
and yes blogshops are known to have the most random of sizes,
is like the measuring tape is so different that it can be 2-3 inches off.
"would that fit on me"
"what's 15" PTP (Pit to Pit) in cm? wait what's my measurement again?"
that always.. always! happens to me.
that's why I prefer to shop at the shop itself to get my clothes.
and when I find a shop online that sells clothes that fits my body shape, I stick to it

I guess than you will say why shop online than if its so hard to find something that fits.
You see as a girl and one that loves to shop, going to a store
and spending $30-50 on a dress or a skirt or a even a top can be ridiculously expensive.
Comparing those prices to those online is like 30-50% difference..
which also means more clothes for the same amount of money.
So why not right?

Got this dress from Love Bonito For $15! *STEAL!*  hahaha
What's sucky is that being tall.. DOESN'T have it benefits all the time.
I mean yeah tall.. okay you don't have to worry about length!.. Wrong.
being tall means you have to worry if its too short! i mean if you are at a average height of 158-165
that will never have occurred to you. and most likely think.. damn i wish i was taller.

Yeah well.. lemme tell you being tall isn't all that good. Lemme tell you why~


It's always a huge no-no from everyone.
"Are you not tall enough, why still wanna wear heels??" 
"Are you trying to grow taller?! What's with the heels?"
"ehhh don't wear heels please, your already f***ing tall!"
"Don't wear heels please.. you'll just make me look shorter"
"So tall already, still wear heels..."
"For the sake of the guys in sg please don't wear heels"
yeah i'm tall... so are models! and Hello~ 170-175cm is not tall at all! models are at least 178-180cm!
It is definitely not an offence if i'm tall and i'm wearing heels.
I love the way it makes the legs look longer and slimmer..
how it makes the butt look cuter... I WANT THAT TOO!
Why is it that when i wear heels i get death stares from people shorter than me.
Its not my fault i wasn't born out to be your height.
To be honest! i rather be at your height!
So I can wear 6 inches heels and no one will stare at me thinking :
"This girl must be nuts! She's already so tall why are you still wearing such high heels! Giant." 
Its sad how Asians think sometimes.. no offence cos I'm an Asian, but seriously people.
Don't discriminate tall girls for wearing heels. They wanna look pretty too!
Next time if you see a tall girl don't stare she's already awkward enough about how tall she is.
Those added stares won't be helping much.
And if she's wearing heels.. STOP STARING AND GIVING HER THE STINK EYE!

B*tch pls I look great in heels.


Like I said before, being tall means having long legs!
and yes a normal skirt may look just nice on you.. but it'll look like a mini on us.
And yup.. mini skirts will look like we aren't wearing anything.
Plus its not only short skirts, the maxi skirts are also a problems sometimes...
it sometimes end at a way to awkward length which cuts off whatever figure you were trying to show,
or it just doesn't look right... somehow...

its not easy being tall and loving fashion.
I on the other hand have hated wearing jeans or anything that have to do with long pants.
Because i always have the problem of it being to SHORT!!!!!
always above the ankles.. ):
That why I've totally excluded pants from my day to day outfits.
well.. unless its for work and i don't have a choice :/

In other words... Buying bottoms are never easy...

Example of short jeans~ but it looks alright here, cos I folded it. haha

Think this is one of my more wordy posts.. maybe cause its been kept in me for a long time.
Yeah everything has its perks and downsides..
Either you're thin or short or tall or plum or sporty or curvy.
Everything has a good and bad side.. but its how you see things can make it a good or bad thing.
I chose to see my height and my shape to be good..
but not all the times..
cos it's hard to see a skinny ass girl looking great in the outfit you were intending to get..
(trust me i know how you feel)
but how you look at it makes your life totally different.

In other words, Love Yourself.
Don't compare yourself to that model on the magazine, I can bet with ya it's been edited.
Love all your curves and edges all your perfect imperfections. (Yes I'm quoting a song cos its true)
And if anyone tells you differently of how you see yourself and it affects your confidence...
Tell them its none of their business, cos you are "Fabulous" and nothing else matters.
(I use it about my hair when my sister says it to big hahaha)

My hair is fabulous not big~ *pshhh*

Remember to Love Yourself, Cos you deserve it. XOXO

Friday, October 16, 2015

Life Goals

Everyone has some kind of idol or some #goals in life right? 

So one day my lecturer ask this in class: 
"Who are the people you look up to? Who are your role models?"
There were many examples Steve Jobs, Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa.. etc.

And when it was my turn to answer the question I replied: " My parents".
My lecturer asked me why?

I said: "I don't know all those people you have mentioned personally. I mean yeah, they have done some really great and awesome things in life, inventing and discovering and giving rights to the people, all very inspiring."
"But, my parents are the ones that has raised me, gave me a roof over my head, a bed to sleep on, food to fill my tummy, a television to watch, air-con to keep me cool and gave me values and principles which I have learned to cherish and appreciate."
"They thought me to be respectful to elders and always be kind and make sure to not impose trouble for others and so much more. I've learned to love my parents more and more each and everyday."
She replied: " Not many idols are parents. We all tend to forget that it's our parents that has brought us up. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you. (:"

Secretly and honestly, I was very anxious and nervous to be talking how i personally felt about my parents to strangers.
My family has taught me a lot, values and life lessons all which i have watched and learned over the years of my life.

And when the day came and I graduated from college and got my degree.
I think my parents couldn't be any prouder of me.

Grad Day 28/09/15

My parents are my #goals in life.

They have showed me what kind of a family I want when I grow up.
Their #relationshipgoals are what I aim for.

Haven't you looked at your parents and ever thought:
" How is it that they are still so in love with each other after so long!"
" I can't even stand a guy for more then 6 months!"
(hahah the last part was just being dramatic)

I want what they have.
Even as they grow old and start to age, they still love each other unconditionally.
THAT is #goals.

To find someone you can live together with for the rest of your life, build a future with and make a family with. That to me is happiness.

My #GOAL is to find happiness in life and bring happiness to my loved ones.

Goals in life doesn't need to be complicated or far-fetched. It can be as simple and easy as being happy.

So what is your goal?

Friday, September 04, 2015

The middle of nowhere.

It's that time.
When you hit a certain age and not knowing what's next in life.

Unsure of the future,
Unsure of what to do,
Unsure of how to approach it.
Unsure if what you're doing is right.

Going through changes,
Ending phases and chapters of your life.
Wanting to start anew.
But lost and not knowing how to save yourself.

Friends moving on quickly around you,
making you feel even worse.
Making it even harder when you are stuck
unable to move,
unable to push forward.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Bangkok Trip 2.0 - Hotel review and where what when~

So during the short 2 weeks October school holidays, I went on a trip to BANGKOK!!!

YES BANGKOK! Been planning and waiting for this trip for 5 months(Since May!). And well it was worth it. My last semester in school was super cray cray, been way too busy with projects and exams... and I almost forgot my birthday. (Yes, it was that busy..)

But lucky enough after all that chaos in school, I was able to look forward to my trip with my bf and my bestie, Hazel, and her bf.  Funny story but well its a double date trip. Hahaha. 

Anyway, this time round we decided to take up my sisters recommendation and book a hotel at

   The Residence Rajatavee

Well... Firstly this hotel has a super good location. It's a 5 min walk away from Siam Paragon and a 5-10 mins walk away from Platinum mall. Location is superb. Cos everything is of walking distance (which also means you get to save on transport *wink*). 

Secondly, the service staff is really nice and prompt too. Which is good.... But the bad thing is when we were there, the water heater in the hotel was spoilt so everyone had to shower in cold water. EVERYONE. Which was kinda stupid and irritating... (I really wanted to have as much tub time as i could but.. sadly i can't)  ):

Third, the hotel isn't well known by many taxi drivers or tuk tuk drivers making it hard to tell them where to go, especially when we are flagging for a cab and there is a jam or fast traffic.
But I would totally recommend the pick-up taxi service that hotel provides, the services is good and you don't have to worry about getting a cab on time for your flight.
It usually cost about 700-750 if you get a big cab from the airport to any hotel and around the same price back. So the total would take about 1400bhat or so. We decided to hire a cab by the hotel which cost us 800bhat, it was for a mini van but it was definitely worth it, no worries just a smooth ride to the airport.

Fourth, and also one of the most important thing is a 7-11 which is just in front of our hotel, approximately 30-40 steps away. Which I might add is a really important thing, cos we need late night snacks and water.. so the nearer it is, the better hehe.

Lastly... and also the major thing that makes all of us decided NOT to go back was that it freaking flooded right in front of our hotel... only our hotel.. The main road was fine but the alley leading to our hotel was flooded. And put in mind Bangkok roads are not the cleanest, and boy was the water cold and black. (Although it was at night but... you can definitely see it was black.)  
But to be fair.. It was the raining season in Thailand.  So it rained every night when we were there... but it was no excuse. It's just bad.  Bad bad bad.


Platinum Mall

Crop top and High waisted floral shorts from Cotton On

Of course Breakfast at Soi 19 before going to platinum mall 

As usual, Platinum Mall is a must go for both Hazel and I.
1. Its to buy Contact lenses
2. to buy clothes and accessories

The poor boys didn't stay with us cos.. well the mall.. is mainly catered to girls.
Although there's a guys section... but honestly there isn't much.
But of course don't miss out a chance of finding something nice.. walk the whole level at least once!

A huge tip when shopping there is to take note of the places that you have walked before..
it can be confusing. But try to remember so you don't get lost or waste time walking the same place twice! Also start from the top and work your way down.. and don't rush to buy something immediately.. there can be shops selling the same things at a wayyyyy cheaper price.

Chaktuchak Market

Coconut, Mango and Thai Iced Tea Ice Cream

So ONE of the main attractions in BKK is to go to CHAKTUCHAK WEEKEND MARKET.
I always try to make sure that the trip falls near or on the weekend so I get to go over to get so cheap deals.

Yes, Chaktuchak can be dirty.. it is a market after all...it ain't no shopping centre.
But rest assured! Be adventurous here, be prepared to walk and shop till you drop.

I've been to BKK many many times before the last two years and yes I did find CTC quite intimidating at first... not being used to the environment of hot and sweaty people, squeezy rows and rows of shops and alleys. But! don't go with that mindset!

Be ready to tackle all of that, go with :
1. Wet tissues (Not only for your hands but for your face and body to wipe of dirt and sweat)
2. Umbrella (extra cover from the heat, sun and rain)
3. Sunglasses! (Those eyes need protection from that hot sun too!)
4. Re-usable bags (those fold-able bags that you can get from supermarkets, to put your shopping into, I bring this everywhere in bkk it helps to have lesser things on your hand when browsing.)
5. BUY WATER THERE!! (No need to carry 2 bottles in your bag.. buy them there!)
6. Sweets (in-case like me.. we don't stop for food.. so sweets is a good idea...)
7. Money (of course! don't forget to bring enough money to shop! if not if won't be fun walking around with and empty wallet)
8. Map of CTC! (We found this.. very very important. travelling in groups means splitting up and meeting each other later.. so this definitely helped alot.. plus if u need to go back to somewhere mark a huge X on it)

Things at CTC are far much cheaper than malls in the city area, So be sure to make this your first pit stop of the trip so that you get an idea of how much things really are.
BARGAIN as much as you can.. Nowadays some shops don't do bargaining.. but don't fret if you really like it buy it.. you may not see it again so get it.. unless its too expensive den think and think again before buying it.

I personally go there to get jeans shorts.. cos its really cheap.. like...150BHAT = SGD$8 a pair so I mean why not right~ hahaha
(PS: How to measure the if shorts/skirts are right size for you?The size of your waist can be measured with your neck.. but to be safe get a size bigger (if you wanna).. and always measure the circumference of the widest point i.e. your butt.. cos that thing... takes up the most space.. so be sure to get the right size )


But first lemme take a selfie 

Siam was mainly for the boys.. they have many thing to see there actually..
For us girls after shopping at platinum and CTC, Siam can be wayyyy out of your price range but they have really nice and unique things there. so take a look and walk!
H&M, F21 and High end brands are located at Siam Paragon, Siam Square and etc all around that area. So walk! or take the train~

Shopping centres to me are reserved to buy make up hahah! or things from oversea brands like H&M.. but sometimes it can be much cheaper then the ones at home so no harm to walk one round!

Terminal 21

Black dress bought from Platinum mall
Bag bought last year from Pratunam market 

So on the previous trip, I missed out on going to terminal 21. So it was definitely a must-go this time round. Hazel and I was definitely not disappointed... hahaha! I mean there is H&M there and there was this little store which we bought bracelets from (which we loveeee) so we were definitely satisfied. Not forgetting the boys of course, they were able to look around too!

PS: There is a really cool denim shop that sells jeans so if guys are looking to buy jeans you could go and have a look~ the price is that much cheaper so think before you buy!!

PPS: Don't forget to take photos there! Terminal 21 has many of these cool locations where you can take photos! Every floor is a different country!~

I don't have much else to talk about cos we were focusing on shopping and eating hahaha! sooo.. NEXT POST! FOOD!

... To Be Continued....
*just keep scrolling scrolling scrolling scrolling~*

Friday, November 07, 2014


On to part two of my Trip~
This is all about food.
Yes food, we wanted to try out all the rave about their cafes there as well.
Not just their local food of course~
Need to be a'lil like the locals and try all the cool cafes and stuff too kekeke~

Greyhound Cafè

Walking into the cafe, the ambience is really laid back and has a hipster feel to it. But has a atas touch to it somewhere you will bring business partners to have a business lunch meeting to. Cos it really isn't noisy and spacious enough to have privacy at your table. The food *omg* is so good. I really loved my pesto pasta, which was mistakenly ordered by our waiter. BUT it is so yummy. So so yummy. We were all too full to order dessert but next time we'll definitely go back for more. A really nice place to check out. Other than having a language problem with the waiter  (Rating:3.5/5)

photo by : @ivorydork

Pesto Pasta!

Looks kinda gross but rest assured, it tastes really good.

Phad thai

Tom Yam kuey teow

Spicy Seafood Pasta

Chicken Wings

Iced tea with milk and Iced tea

Pink Cooler

Doesn't it look pretty~

That's all for Greyhound.. it was sad we couldn't have dessert cos there was absolutely no space in our tummies..
But! If you have gone and tried their desserts or other yummy food please comment and tell me whats yummy! I'll definitely go back and try it! (:

On the last day we decided to make it a MUST to go to...

After You Cafe~~~

Which I must say, it was a right choice. A very good choice in fact.
It was like having an orgasm in my mouth. (Sorry for being so descriptive)
The pancake was my absolute fav out of all.. not to sweet not too heavy.. *heart eyes*
The banana crumble was really yummy too and the portion was just nice for one and of course a good sharing size. seeing how we are a party of 4 we had a yummy yummy and filling lunch~
I have a big weak spot for desserts especially pancakes and sweet stuff.  **guilty**

After you cafe has many branches and the one we went to is located at Siam Paragon, there are also other branches located at Central World, Siam Square one, Silom Complex and many more...

Souvenir Corner~
They have really cute little trinkets on sale but they aren't very cheap but still!!! *CUTE!!* 

Baby Shibuya Honey Toast

Baby Nutella Toast 

Banana Crumble

Hazelnut Pancake 


Matcha Frappe

Iced Horlick Latte

Earl Grey Squash Jelly

Peppermint Frappe
If you ask me... After You Cafe is a place that i would DEFINITELY go back to.
Like a 100% must go..
I've never had such yummy and fluffy pancakes and that banana crumble (hmmmmm~ so good) the toast was okay not a huge deal.. but it looks really cute and its a popular dish so we decided to try it.
(Overall Rating: 4.5/5)

TIP: After You is really popular, there was a queue when we went there.. but luckily it was short and a table was available almost immediately.. maybe we got lucky.. haha so either look for other outlets or go at a timing when its not lunch time hahaha!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chop Chop Chop~

The holidays went by really fast.. like really fast.
Did so many things during the 3 weeks... but firstly,
I went for a hair-over hahaha
Had 'em locks chopped off!

Was getting bored of it

And it was getting limpy...

I've been craving for a new look and have my hair cut since about more then a year ago and i finally went and got it done! ^^


So I had a them cut and permed! hehe

Smile~ (:


A big change.. cut my hair really short.. well in comparison to my old hair.
My friends got shocked when they saw me. LOL!
But.. it's much lighter now and healthier.. plus it kinda looks fresher (?) hahaha
And I spent less than SGD200!! (i think haha)

Although I do miss my long hair.. but I'm gonna rock this look while I still can hahaha!
My hair grows fast. too fast sometimes.. but its a good thing too~

Anyway if you want to know where I got my hair done~ comment below~~

-Cheris (:

Monday, June 09, 2014


Habitat coffee or a café~
This place has been a real mystery to me.. I've always seen my friends on Instagram taking photos of their #foodporn there... and I must say it looks really... really good.
Especially all those poached eggs and waffles ♡v♡
(I think by now you would have figured out my recent obsession of egg Benedict and ice cream on waffles hahaha) 

So lucky for me. There was a meet up with friends at habitat coffee~ yay** 
And lucky for me again. It was at Thomson Road.. which is really near home so it was super convenient. We got there and got our seats.

The environment?
I must say.. The ambience was not bad~ I really like the theme of the place very... Korean-ish?  Hahaha I don't really know how to explain it.  But... I went on a Sunday night... and it was C.R.O.W.D.E.D. so we were pretty lucky we didn't have to wait for a table for 5, although it was squeezy.

The ordering system is a self service kind? Well you just have to pay before eating. Anyways,  their menu (click on the link to see their menu! ) has all day brunch.. but only for weekends hahaha.(yay for me^^) Brunch ends at 5.30pm on weekdays though so if you wanna eat brunch you might want to take note.
Ps: water is self service...In most cafés water is self service and free flow. So if you want to drink some you gotta help yourself to some. (:

Party of 3 out of 5 ordered:

Something Fishy

Tuna pasta with olives ans spices~
alil tangy and very fishy full 

Blacken Dory

Spicy black pepper pasta, although they say it isn't spicy on the menu,
we all know.. pepper gives one hella of a punch to your taste buds.

Bread was chewy and fragrant.
Savoury and sweet too!

Wholemeal BLT
Bacom Lettuce Tomatoooo~

Ice Cream with Waffles!!!
don't really know what ice cream this is, cos we ordered salted caramel.
But this tasted like coffee. 

Drizzled with chocolate syrup

Lemon-up and Iced Chocolate

Lemon-up: Mix of Iced Lemon Tea, lemonade and 7-up weird taste though.
But worth the try.
Iced Chocolate: Its iced chocolate.. its yummy. cos its chocolate hahaha 
House-made Churros!
love this churros, probably the one of the best that I've eaten.

Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside.
It doesn't have that fried taste that make use feel queasy (jelat) after eating too much
*hahaha*and tastes just right.
Sorry for the blur photo the camera just didn't want to focus.